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30 marzo 2020

Fifth and sixth grade

50+ Best Motivational Quotes To Overcome Life's Challenges
After reading the book (Dino’s day in London), do these exercises.

Answer True or False. choose the right answer.

1. The taxi driver goes to the Ritz Hotel.

2. The taxi driver takes the boy to places in New York.

3. Dino has a big lunch in Harrods.

4. Tommy gives him 20$ for lunch.

5. Tommy eats lunch in the taxi.

6. Dino goes into a museum.

7. Gloria Brash is Tommy’s mother.

8.The boy in the taxi is Dino.

9.Billy is Sam’s son.

10. Billy hears his father,Sam,on the phone to Tommy at 


Write sentences with this words.


 WRITE SHORTSENTENCES(SUB+VERB+OBJ). Use the present simple.





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